Desire to make a change. 
 Having a desire to do things differently is significant. A willingness to explore all options is the first step toward creating a mindset for success. Be ready to step out of the box. Be adventurous by opening your mind to alternative perceptions. Instead of focusing on negative perceptions, begin to develop beliefs which are positive and build you up.
Identify your purpose
 Deep down connect with the very thing that drives you. Discover your gift, your special talent. Get really clear about it. Discard the excuses for not taking action and following through with your passion. Excuses prevent you from taking bold steps to success.
 Do what most others refuse to do
    How true that is. The people who find true success in life are the ones who, instead of spending all night in front of the television, are busy working or improving their skills in some way. Don't be complacent and just get by. Take those extra steps. Get up half an hour earlier each morning and promote yourself on LinkedIn. Set aside one night a week to take a course that will broaden your writing skill set. Always be reading a new book whose goal is to make you more successful 
                                   Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do."
  Accept that it will take hard work 
 – As Michael Jordan said, "Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work." Hard works opens the door to success, and with it comes the freedom to do what you want when you want.
 Keep in mind that no one is better or smarter than you
 – There are people who are better than you at certain things, but we all have that area in which we excel.

Who do you spend time with? 
 The people you surround yourself with will affect your mindset. Choose to spend your valuable time with people who are forward thinkers, understanding your excitement and drive. Connect with entrepreneurs who have already achieved the goals you are currently striving toward. If you want to be a millionaire, you need to spend time with millionaires. They think differently and act differently than people living paycheck to paycheck.
                      “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn
Do you know what holds you back?
 We subscribe meaning to the events in our life. In turn, this affects how you perceive your world around you. Look within to decide if there is a difference between what you say you want and what you actually believe is true. Did you find a belief which contradicts your success? Create a new one which is relevant to whom you are today and your current goals.
Action vs. Avoidance 
 The last part of the word “attraction” is action. Embracing the success mindset sets you up to take action, striving for new endeavors.  You will be driven to do things you had previously avoided. As you stretch yourself beyond what you thought was possible, you will feel an energy shift. Your vibration rises, getting peoples attention. Having confidence, taking action and believing in your success is very client attractive.
When you find you are stuck, give yourself permission to seek out support. Many times other people are able to see something about ourselves which we are unable to see on our own. In fact, you will reach your next level of success at a faster rate by affiliating with other like-minded entrepreneurs. Affiliating with success minded go-getters will take your focus to an entire new level.

All skills are learnable
You may not be the best, but you can improve. If you want something bad enough and are prepared to work for it, you can make it happen.
 Turn mistakes into opportunities 
If you make a mistake, the first thing you should do is take ownership. Next, look for the golden opportunity, sometimes hidden, that comes with every mistake.
 Don't compare yourself to others who are doing better than you
  – No matter how successful you become, there will be others "above" you. Don't waste your time and effort focusing on this sort of thing. It creates jealousy and feelings of inadequacy within you. Focus on yourself.
If you read or hear about the success one of your fellow copywriters is having (who started about the same time you did), don't view it as you falling behind. Use it as inspiration that you too can succeed.
  Use your "enemy" as motivation
  – Now, this might seem a little negative, but it sure worked for me.
 Evaluate your performance
 – At the end of each week, ask yourself the following questions: What did you learn this week? What could you have done better? What did you do that brought you closer to your short-term and long-term goals? How could you have increased your productivity?
You can’t give away what you don’t have
 – In life, it's important you take care of yourself first. Do this before you offer your time or effort to others. You're not being selfish – you're being practical. The happier you are and the more peace of mind you have, the better equipped you are to help others. So don't ignore the most important person in your life.

 Have patience 
 – Don't be discouraged if you're not currently where you want to be in your career. Focus on taking one step, learning one skill, and making one small improvement at a time.

World Inspiration Inc
Founder of Think Again Campaign
"Inspired by God living to the  limits of our potentials"
Genesis 2:7.


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